Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What to expect at a Zerona Appointment

You can expect 40 minutes to relax, read or do absolutely nothing. The Zerona® treatment is completely painless. There is no heat or any sensation whatsoever while being treated. Each treatment you will be met by Dr. Hogan or a technician who will position the laser at the desired areas of the body, he/she will step out for 20 minutes while the front of your body is treated and then will return to reset for the backside of your body for an additional 20 minutes. After you are done you can get back to your normal activities immediately with absolutely no downtime, nor pain, swelling or any discomfort. This is a symptom –free process except for losing unwanted inches.
It is not recommended that you miss an appointment. Prior to starting the Zerona® treatment, it is important that you are committed to the recommended lifestyle protocol which includes at least 6 treatments, every other day for 40 minutes and not to exceed 72 hours between treatments. If more than 72 hours intervenes, some of the fat may be uptaken by the fat cells again.

Call today to schedule your consultation!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for giving the information about the Zerona laser treatment, really nice blog for the people.
