Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Truth About Sleeping In Your Makeup

Is the rumor true that it is bad for your skin to sleep in your makeup?

YES. Not washing and moisturizing your face before bed can age skin dramatically! Leaving your makeup on can cause skin to dry out. When skin is dry, it is less elastic, so wrinkles are more prominent.

Aged skin can also result in larger pores. Physically clogging the pores with makeup left on the face may lock irritants in and lock moisturizers out.

 If you have sensitive skin, leaving makeup on over night can also make your skin more irritated that it is naturally prone to be.
Good news, the sooner you begin regularly washing your face and adopting a routine skin care regimen, the less likely the damage to your skin will be a long term problem. If you need assistance in developing a customized skin care routine, Regatta Chiropractic and Laser Center can be of assistance!

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