Monday, October 14, 2013

To Ice or Not to Ice?

Patients ask me all the time, should I use ice or heat when it hurts? Well, there is no clear cut answer but when in doubt, Ice it out... Icing on/ off for 15-20 minutes will help reduce the local inflammation that is often causing pain.

However... if it is the same old pain that has ailed you for years and you have not had a recent flare up where it is now worse and ice is not cutting it, try MOIST heat. No electric heating pads!

Here is a great way to wake up tomorrow feeling less like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz:

1.  Soak in a warm bath with Epsom salt for 15-20 minutes. The Magnesium in the Epsom salt acts as a natural muscle relaxant

2.   Because we have brought blood to the area with the heat of the bath, now we want to constrict the tissue to push the fluid out so now Ice the painful area for 15-20 minutes

3.  Apply a topical natural anti-inflammatory such as Cryoderm. By staying ahead of the inflammation you will wake up with less pain.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Allergy Season

Allergy season is upon us. 
Here are a few things to consider:

  Netti Pot: The Netti Pot is an excellent way to combat those bothersome allergies. It is an ancient method for flushing debris from nasal passage so that the body does not need to produce as much mucus.

 Mucus: Mucus is produced in response to irritation that often arises from inflammation from something like an allergic response.

Consider Chiropractic Care: While not a treatment for sinus issues, chiropractic care can help to reduce the nervous system interference to the head and sinuses.

 Local Honey: Local honey contains pollen from local plants and trees. When you introduce it, the body’s natural response is to have a slight immune reaction to it so next time you encounter that same pollen you are already armed against it..  Remember, no honey for those two years and under as their immune systems are still not developed enough. We sell local honey from Destin's Honey Hutch at our office!